What is IWFCIM?

Established in 2016, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry Malaysia (IWFCIM) is the Malaysia Chapter of the global non-profit member-based NGO, IWFCI, headquartered in Melbourne Australia. 

Our Vision

To be a socially responsible one-stop centre supporting women entrepreneurs to prepare, promote and position their businesses from inception to global market players and leaders 

Our Mission

To support the development of women in business, despite origin, religion or culture; Through education, encouragement and representation, in a conducive environment; To enable self-confidence, economic opportunities, advancement and security. 

Our Goals

  • To create opportunities for the development of the business of Members by assisting them with marketing and event promotional activities 

  • To assist with the development of the home-based business industry for women 

  • To operate as a catalyst for all women’s business organizations providing a network of full co-operation 

  • To support and assist in programs for the development of entrepreneurial women 

  • To lobby on behalf of related businesswomen’s issues including safety both socially and, in the workforce 

  • To provide a non-political, non-racist and non-religious platform for members to network at the national and international level
  • To promote and empower women leadership both at the national and international level 
  • To give effect to Government objectives for spearheading programs and initiatives relevant to the empowerment of women entrepreneurship and leadership 
  • To facilitate dialogues with various Government bodies for the MembersÂ