Mental Toughness For Entrepreneurs
The entrepreneurial journey is a marathon, not a sprint; a challenging long journey testing us on our mental toughness and physical strength. What separates the ‘marathon finishers’ than the rest is their mental toughness.
The good news is all of us can be mentally tough when we know how to nurture our mindset. We can train it like a ‘muscle’ to develop mental toughness — a key ingredient that separates the winners from the losers.
Learning objectives:
- Understand values and beliefs that motivate one’s action
- Understand how mind works
- Understand the drivers of motivation and how best to manage them
- Establish your unique approach to nurture mental toughness
Trainer / Facilitator:
Wendy Pang
Wendy is passionate in the field of human communications and emotional intelligence. Throughout her years of working experience in business management in various industries such as sports, finance, public relations, advertising, education, customer service and business operations, she saw the unlimited potential an individual can achieve after breaking through the emotional barriers.
From there she found her life purpose and aspires to coach and train individuals to be the best version of themselves by making a positive change. For her, learning never stops and as such, she constantly improving and upgrading herself in her coaching and training techniques. Currently, she holds a degree in Business Management from University of Hertfordshire and Inti International University, degree in Psychology from Wawasan Open University, Islamic Capital Market Graduate (ICMGTS), Certified Professional Trainer (IPMA), Certified Practitioner of NLP, Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, Certified Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Certified Practitioner of NLP Coaching. On top of that, she is actively mentoring in Toastmaster International community.
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